Living Beyond Duality


“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

Just as the sky reflections are mirrored in the water, our perception of knowing is being reflected back to us in order to question our integrity.  As no two sunsets are the same, we are being asked to move beyond our familiar ways of thinking on the linear plane and move into a multi-dimensional existence.  In order to take these new quantum leaps of faith, our familiar way of doing things is being asked to transform every day.  This means that how we may do something one day will not be the same as the next.  As our whole world is changing and evolving so rapidly, so will our response one day will be different from the next.  This is not to be termed as being inconsistent. However, it is learning how to soar from one experience to the next as life is no longer linear in living, thinking and actions; we are now living in a circular multi-level existence, where timelines are occurring simultaneously.


“God will supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory.”

Philippians 4:19

Like the various hues and reflections in the evening sky at Highland Lake, the peace of God washes over your soul.  Timelessness is evident in the ever-changing weather patterns, color configurations within the sky, smoothness to waves of the lake and season changes from the trees.  Time stands still in enormous pockets of peaceful awareness as the vibration and energy present speaks volumes to the depths of ones body, mind and soul.  Feeling connected to the magical wonder of the lake, she speaks ever so softly to a place deep within about inner tranquility only apparent when one quiets the mind and listens with the heart.


“Whoever knocks persistently, ends by entering.”


And so I speak about the miraculous beauty surrounding us and ask that these precious moments we are so blessed to experience be treasured in our hearts now and always.  For by asking you receive and by receiving you may find and by knocking the door will be opened up to you, when it is time.  Timing, that is, and patience are the final factors necessary in creating miracles.  You must be still and they will appear everywhere!  And so it is.


“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.”

Ernest Holmes

©Loriginal Designs

The Rose

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!!!


Mom loved to model, and this photo was taken of her preparing to go out on the stage at a local fashion show just 1 month prior to her death.  It is symbolic in that she is dressed in a wedding styled dress, where in some cultures, it was considered that a woman would be buried in her bridal dress to be going home to be with her groom (Jesus).  She also is pictured at the bottom of the staircase, as if it rises to heaven.

In memory of Connie A. Mitchell Marchell and all mothers including the entire animal kingdom, we have our lives to be thankful for their tenderness in carrying us within their womb and raising us in their lives.  Mom used to say that children were a gift loaned to us from heaven!

The Rose

She’s as beautiful as a delicate Peace Rose.

Her smile as radiant as the shining sun.

Her eyes sparkle as the evening stars.

Her words are always encouraging.

Her outlook is always positive.

Her heart is full of love.

As the fragrance of a rose grows more and more rich as it lives;

so does my mother’s warmth, faith and tender understanding

envelope all those who surround her.

But most of all, my mother has shown me the meaning of God in my life;

for her strength, courage and devout dedication to those she cares about

has shown me the meaning of life…LOVE.

And LOVE comes from God.

I Love Your Very, Very,Very Much, Mom!!!

Your Daughter Lori.

©Loriginal Designs

Welcome to Chenango Valley State Park!


“When sparkles dance upon the water, our souls twinkle like stars in the evening sky.”

L.D. Marchell

“Nature’s infinite palette splashes vibrancy upon the autumn day.”

L.D. Marchell

“We are drawn back to Mother Gaia, connected with her compassion and ever-constant love for all; in our returning back, we become one united with her; calling us to love her as she has unconditionally given infinitely and ceaselessly to us.”

L.D. Marchell

The breath of life, passionate, rapturous, invigorating, revitalizing; Let us welcome God’s love with open arms.”

L.D. Marchell

“All roads lead home to where the heart is.”

L.D. Marchell


“Friendship is two spirits allowing each other to soar and fly.”

L.D. Marchell



“Take time to travel apart for the answers you seek are within.”

L.D. Marchell



“Faith is believing in things not yet seen but felt with the heart.”

Hebrews 11:1


“Walk ever softly, tenderly taking in the wonderment of the present.”

L.D. Marchell



“Wherever your heart is, there also is your home.”

L.D. Marchell


©Loriginal Designs


Angels Unawares


“Would you think that for a moment, planning actually matters?  Spiritual unfoldment occurs unbeknownst to us.”

L.D. Marchell


“When truth is attained, all else ceases to exist.”

L.D. Marchell



“Irregardless what others say, one must find their own way.”

L.D. Marchell


“Being raw is revealing all that is true within; there is no fooling Mother Nature.”

L.D. Marchell



“Accents of Light reveal potential within.”

L.D. Marchell



“Oh, to be an evergreen, noble in dignity; As they celebrate the joyous symphony of colors about.”

L.D. Marchell


“All paths lead home; It’s the journey in the end, which matters the most.”

L.D. Marchell


“So grey and light, blue sky so bright; Varied splashes of color, God’s paintbrush we adore.”

L.D. Marchell


“It is the quiet moments between each breath which fill our souls with joyous inner knowing.”

Connie Andrea Marchell


“Oh that I may be beautiful within!”

L.D. Marchell


“When we die, we leave all that we have and take with us all that we are.”

Connie Andrea Marchell


“The barren lands reveal the ending of a cycle in nature; Listen intently as Gaia speaks softly.”

L.D. Marchell


“As if in unison, the hues and tones speak telepathically to one another; Orchestrating a musical concerto of vibrancy.”

Connie Andrea Marchell



“The Universe adores us, in blissful moments of present awareness; Fully aware of its magnitude, it’s peacefulness remains still.”

L.D. Marchell



“Oh the novelty of orgasmic colors bring forth the climatic finale; Autumn reveals her full glory in timeless beauty.”

L.D. Marchell



Then God Said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit and seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was good.

Genesis 1:11


“The union of Gaia with the glorious hills and trees; Mirrors the relationship of soul mate and twin flame.”

L.D. Marchell


“Would dancing leaves and whispering trees be glimpses of an angelic autumn breeze?”

Connie Andrea Marchell


“Are angels floating upon the clouds, watching intently over us unawares? “

L.D. Marchell


“Sacred union occurs when the inner work reveals all that is balanced; An equilibrium of the yin and yang energies.”

L.D. Marchell




“…But when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away…”

1 Corinthians 13


And God Said “Let there be light,” and there was light.  God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.  God called the light “day” and the darkness he called “night,”  And there was evening and morning – THE FIRST DAY…

Genesis 1:3-5

©Loriginal Designs

©Connie Andrea Marchell

©S.A. Gwin Photograph*

©NIV Bible




Living Beyond Duality


“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

Just as the sky reflections are mirrored in the water, our perception of knowing is being reflected back to us in order to question our integrity.  As no two sunsets are the same, we are being asked to move beyond our familiar ways of thinking on the linear plane and move into a multi-dimensional existence.  In order to take these new quantum leaps of faith, our familiar way of doing things is being asked to transform every day.  This means that how we may do something one day will not be the same as the next.  As our whole world is changing and evolving so rapidly, so will our response one day will be different from the next.  This is not to be termed as being inconsistent. However, it is learning how to soar from one experience to the next as life is no longer linear in living, thinking and actions; we are now living in a circular multi-level existence, where timelines are occurring simultaneously.



“God will supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory.”

Philippians 4:19

Like the various hues and reflections in the evening sky at Highland Lake, the peace of God washes over your soul.  Timelessness is evident in the ever-changing weather patterns, color configurations within the sky, smoothness to waves of the lake and season changes from the trees.  Time stands still in enormous pockets of peaceful awareness as the vibration and energy present speaks volumes to the depths of ones body, mind and soul.  Feeling connected to the magical wonder of the lake, she speaks ever so softly to a place deep within about inner tranquility only apparent when one quiets the mind and listens with the heart.


“Whoever knocks persistently, ends by entering.”


And so I speak about the miraculous beauty surrounding us and ask that these precious moments we are so blessed to experience be treasured in our hearts now and always.  For by asking you receive and by receiving you may find and by knocking the door will be opened up to you, when it is time.  Timing, that is, and patience are the final factors necessary in creating miracles.  You must be still and they will appear everywhere!  And so it is.


“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.”

Ernest Holmes


©Loriginal Designs