Spiedie Festival & Balloon Rally 2017!!!

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”

Walt Disney

IMG_0863Walt Disney

The 33rd Annual Spiedie Festival & Balloon Rally held at Otsiningo Park, Binghamton, NY was held on August 4 – 6, 2017.  With countless vendors, amusement park rides, face painting, music, volleyball, 5K run and balloon rides just to name a few of the festivities, this event has grown tremendously throughout the years.  For those of you who are not familiar with the word ‘spiedie,’ it is cubed chicken, pork, lamb, veal, venison or beef marinated in a spiedie sauce then placed on metal skewers over a charcoal pit.  Once cooked, they are eaten on a fresh piece of Italian bread.  Developed by Camillo Iacovelli, Agostino Iacovelli and Peter Sharak from the Southern Tier of New York State from 1939 on, their popularity has expanded nation-wide.  Today there are countless deviations to the original recipe at the annual spiedie cook-off held at the festival every year.  There are several spiedie marinate companies available for purchasing spiedie marinade sauce online.  For those of you who do eat meat (I am a vegetarian), here are a few local distributors.  Enjoy!



 “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.”

Psalm 55:22


“The fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy and Peace.”

Galatians 5:22


“…For God is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask Him…Ask in Faith.”

James 1:5 – 6


“Yet God has revealed this wisdom to us through the Spirit.”

1 Corinthians 2:10


“Love is not enough.  You can’t exist as the reflection of someone’s love.”

John Powell, S.J.


“Now it is characteristic of play that one plays without reason and there must be no reason for it.  Play is its own good reason.”

Lin Yutang


“If we treat people as they are, they will stay as they are.  But if we treat them for what they might be, and might become, they will become their better selves.”

G.T. Smith


“A life lived in love will never be dull.”



“A Happy Elephant Doing a Handstand!”







© 2017 Spiedie Festival and Balloon Rally Expo, Inc.

©Loriginal Designs

A Once In A Lifetime Love…

“It is good to have an end to journey towards; But it is the journey that matters, in the end.”



On this day, May 20, 1961 my parents, John V. Marchell and Connie A. Mitchell were married.  It was a bittersweet wedding for my mom’s father, G. Clifford Mitchell, had passed from a heart attack less than a month prior to their wedding date.  Their love for me is crystal clear as I was the honeymoon baby.  Dad would often say to me that I was a ‘much loved child.’

I do believe that Grandpa Cliff’s Spirit has been with me always, as he was a graphic artist who, at an early age, was asked to work for Walt Disney.  He declined the offer and went into business for himself with many of his creative works promoting IBM in their beginning stages with their first place of operation located in Endicott, New York.


So on this day, I honor my parents unconditional love and everlasting guidance still evident miraculously in my life as love transcends our human understanding.  It is through building a firm foundation by focusing on the gift of union which makes the relationship stronger and resilient to withstand any storm.  With the extraordinary gift of a once in a lifetime love,  one hundred percent belief, trust and faith in one another with open heart awareness; together the two open their arms wide to embrace the unknown.

As their hearts joined together pictured in the glowing setting sunset clouds, I know that their gift of new beginnings is approaching for me as their message permeates my soul.


“It’s time to unite your hearts, for together your energies  combined are magnetic, magical and infinite in their abilities to manifest miracles.”

Mom and Dad

panoramic 1

“One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore.”

Andre Gide

©Art and Photography by Loriginal Designs

Highland Lake, PA

(©wedding photograph, unknown)

Spiedie Festival & Balloon Rally 2021!!!

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”

IMG_0863Walt Disney

The 33rd Annual Spiedie Festival & Balloon Rally held at Otsiningo Park, Binghamton, NY was held on August 4 – 6, 2017.  With countless vendors, amusement park rides, face painting, music, volleyball, 5K run and balloon rides just to name a few of the festivities, this event has grown tremendously throughout the years.  For those of you who are not familiar with the word ‘spiedie,’ it is cubed chicken, pork, lamb, veal, venison or beef marinated in a spiedie sauce then placed on metal skewers over a charcoal pit.  Once cooked, they are eaten on a fresh piece of Italian bread.  Developed by Camillo Iacovelli, Agostino Iacovelli and Peter Sharak from the Southern Tier of New York State from 1939 on, their popularity has expanded nation-wide.  Today there are countless deviations to the original recipe at the annual spiedie cook-off held at the festival every year.  There are several spiedie marinate companies available for purchasing spiedie marinade sauce online.  For those of you who do eat meat (I am a vegetarian), here are a few local distributors.  Enjoy!



 “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.”

Psalm 55:22


“The fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy and Peace.”

Galatians 5:22


“…For God is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask Him…Ask in Faith.”

James 1:5 – 6


“Yet God has revealed this wisdom to us through the Spirit.”

1 Corinthians 2:10


“Love is not enough.  You can’t exist as the reflection of someone’s love.”

John Powell, S.J.


“Now it is characteristic of play that one plays without reason and there must be no reason for it.  Play is its own good reason.”

Lin Yutang


“If we treat people as they are, they will stay as they are.  But if we treat them for what they might be, and might become, they will become their better selves.”

G.T. Smith


“A life lived in love will never be dull.”



“A Happy Elephant Doing a Handstand!”







© 2017 Spiedie Festival and Balloon Rally Expo, Inc.

©Loriginal Designs

A Loriginal Piano Composition: “C-13 Sonata”


Throughout the creative process, I paint pictures, write stories, take photographs and compose music which all interweave into the tapestry of my life.  Though viewing the process from the underside with all the loose threads it appears to be quite a mess, the passion within is determined to interweave all the colorful threads to behold a brilliant gift from the Universe!

This copyrighted piano composition is inspired by 1 Corinthians 13  and spans my life journey.  When my beloved Mother passed, Dad  had this engraved on their stone:

“A hug, a smile, a kiss, fond memories of a lifetime”

(Posted on You Tube as well as on my blog’s Piano, Art and Photography tab, with some of my artwork, photography and family photos to go along with the music).


My Friend Midge!


“Living in the Present Moment is the truest gift of all!”



“For it is Knowledge which teaches Wisdom…”



“…Wisdom which teaches Truth…”



“…And the Truth will set you Free!”



“Living in a state of wonderment is where you find joy.”




“Life is about living one step at a time.”

IMG_2405“Fresh air, exercise, friendship and encouragement

are the greatest elixirs of all!”


“Your are as young as you feel as our Spirit gives life.”


“Seize the Day!”


“Precious moments of a lifetime!”




“Midge” An Inspiring 14 Year Old Standard Poodle


©Loriginal Designs

Wonderment at Watkins Glen State Park


“We know that God is everywhere; but certainly we feel His presence most when His works are on the grandest scale spread before us; and it is in the unclouded night-sky, where His worlds wheel their silent course, that we read clearest His infinitude, His omnipotence, His omnipresence.”

Charlotte Bronte


“I avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward.”

Charlotte Bronte


“You know full well as I do the value of sisters’ affections: There is nothing like it in the world.”

Charlotte Bronte


“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Life is so constructed that an event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation.”

Charlotte Bronte


“I believe in some blending of hope and sunshine sweetening the worst lots. I believe that this life is not all; neither the beginning nor the end. I believe while I tremble; I trust while I weep.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Better to be without logic than without feeling.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Cheerfulness, it would appear, is a matter which depends fully as much on the state of things within, as on the state of things without and around us.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Men judge us by the success of our efforts. God looks at the efforts themselves.”

Charlotte Bronte


“If you are cast in a different mold to the majority, it is no merit of yours; nature did it.”

Charlotte Bronte


“But this I know; the writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master — something that at times strangely wills and works for itself. If the result be attractive, the World will praise you, who little deserve praise; if it be repulsive, the same World will blame you, who almost as little deserve blame.”

Charlotte Bronte


“To see and know the worst is to take from

fear her main advantage.”

Charlotte Bronte


“The writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master- something that at time strangely wills and works for itself.”

Charlotte Bronte



“Novelists should never allow themselves to weary of the study of real life.”

Charlotte Bronte


“I would always rather be happy than dignified.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive!”

Charlotte Bronte


“I would always rather be happy than dignified.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Enjoy the blessings Heaven bestows, Assist his friends, forgive his foes; Trust God, and keep his statutes still, Upright and firm, through good and ill; Thankful for all that God has given, Fixing his firmest hopes on heaven; Knowing that earthly joys decay, But hoping through the darkest day.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.”

Charlotte Bronte


©Loriginal Designs

©Charlotte Bronte

*Photograph of me taken by Lisa Lash

In Honor of Memorial Day

“No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.”

William Penn

The above photograph was taken of my grandfather, G. Clifford Mitchell with my mom, Connie A. (Mitchell) Marchell, on his return from surviving a ‘million dollar’ wound while serving our country at The Battle of the Bulge in World War II.  Some of you have read postings about Grandma Marge whose first husband was G. Clifford Mitchell.  This first year without Grandma with us, I planted her favorite flowers, red geraniums, at their memorial stone.  Looking around I saw volunteers with little American Flags being placed alongside a majority of the stones at Calvary Cemetery.

In honor of all the men and women who serve and have given their lives for the gift of our freedom, it is a time of deep reflection for the many sacrifices made by the bravery of those who committed to serve The United States of America.  Many families experience great challenges by being separated from their loved ones when they are called to serve their country in the military.  And some are called to make the ultimate sacrifice.  We have so very much to be indebted to these selfless individuals who believe in this great gift they provide for our country.

Let us hope that there will someday be a time where we will no longer require to fight for our freedom but to be able to cooperate and collaborate with one another.  I suppose that is what the new heaven and new earth are all about, where the lion lies down with the lamb and peace reigns supremely across the lands.

“We shall find peace.  We shall hear the angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds.”

Anton Chekhov

A Once In A Lifetime Love…

“It is good to have an end to journey towards; But it is the journey that matters, in the end.”



On this day, May 20, 1961 my parents, John V. Marchell and Connie A. Mitchell were married.  It was a bittersweet wedding for my mom’s father, G. Clifford Mitchell, had passed from a heart attack less than a month prior to their wedding date.  Their love for me is crystal clear as I was the honeymoon baby.  Dad would often say to me that I was a ‘much loved child.’

I do believe that Grandpa Cliff’s Spirit has been with me always, as he was a graphic artist who, at an early age, was asked to work for Walt Disney.  He declined the offer and went into business for himself with many of his creative works promoting IBM in their beginning stages with their first place of operation located in Endicott, New York.


So on this day, I honor my parents unconditional love and everlasting guidance still evident miraculously in my life as love transcends our human understanding.  It is through building a firm foundation by focusing on the gift of union which makes the relationship stronger and resilient to withstand any storm.  With the extraordinary gift of a once in a lifetime love,  one hundred percent belief, trust and faith in one another with open heart awareness; together the two open their arms wide to embrace the unknown.

As their hearts joined together pictured in the glowing setting sunset clouds, I know that their gift of new beginnings is approaching for me as their message permeates my soul.


“It’s time to unite your hearts, for together your energies  combined are magnetic, magical and infinite in their abilities to manifest miracles.”

Mom and Dad

panoramic 1

“One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore.”

Andre Gide

©Art and Photography by Loriginal Designs

Highland Lake, PA

(©wedding photograph, unknown)

The Rose

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!!!


Mom loved to model, and this photo was taken of her preparing to go out on the stage at a local fashion show just 1 month prior to her death.  It is symbolic in that she is dressed in a wedding styled dress, where in some cultures, it was considered that a woman would be buried in her bridal dress to be going home to be with her groom (Jesus).  She also is pictured at the bottom of the staircase, as if it rises to heaven.

In memory of Connie A. Mitchell Marchell and all mothers including the entire animal kingdom, we have our lives to be thankful for their tenderness in carrying us within their womb and raising us in their lives.  Mom used to say that children were a gift loaned to us from heaven!

The Rose

She’s as beautiful as a delicate Peace Rose.

Her smile as radiant as the shining sun.

Her eyes sparkle as the evening stars.

Her words are always encouraging.

Her outlook is always positive.

Her heart is full of love.

As the fragrance of a rose grows more and more rich as it lives;

so does my mother’s warmth, faith and tender understanding

envelope all those who surround her.

But most of all, my mother has shown me the meaning of God in my life;

for her strength, courage and devout dedication to those she cares about

has shown me the meaning of life…LOVE.

And LOVE comes from God.

I Love Your Very, Very,Very Much, Mom!!!

Your Daughter Lori.

©Loriginal Designs

Reflections on Judgement 

“You can develop good judgement as you do the muscles of your body – by judicious, daily exercise.”

Grenvile Kleiser


My favorite reference book is Roget’s Thesaurus for the various meanings behind the proper usage of words. Under the word judgement are five separate meanings!

  1. Intellect
  2. Discrimination
  3. Decision
  4. Condemnation
  5. Sentence

Through our lives lessons we learn to access intellectually the power of sound judgement in arriving to conclusions in decision-making in our lives.

The use of discernment in terms of discriminating what serves the highest and best for all concerned is utilizing another aspect of sound judgement in our lives. This can also be used towards spiritual discernment.

Our freedom and power of choice comes into play when we are calling upon utilizing out tool set in making decisions based on judgement.

Criticizing and lower vibrational fear based thinking is involved in condemning others acts, beliefs and behaviors without compassion when judgement is used in this context.

And then there is the legal system associated with controlling and manipulating others in sentencing them due to the judgement ascertained upon their actions.


“I love when things are transparent, free and clear of all inhibition and judgement.”

Pharrell Williams

It became apparent to me this morning that the summons I recently received to serve on jury duty placed me in an awkward state of mind. Who am I to pass judgement on someone else? Have I lived their life, was I raised in their environment, have I experienced the social, moral, mental, spiritual and emotional influences that they have had and walked a mile in their shoes? And even then, who am I to judge? The log in my eye requires much more attention than the speck in my brother or sister’s eye.


“Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others.”

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

It also became apparent to me when someone commented on something inadvertently directed towards me, it made me dig deeper in questioning myself to find the meaning to the feelings which were conjured up within me.

We all know that we are not to take things personally, yet there was a hidden message in what was said that made me “chew” on the concepts as I kept asking for a deeper understanding as to be clear about the message this messenger brought to me.


“Judge not lest you be judged. For with the judgement you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?”

Matthew 7:1-3

Worthiness and self-love are core issues of the heart which are oftentimes disregarded in our early growth and learning process which eventually catches up to us.


“What is not fully exposed earlier in life is revealed and made up for in development.”

Author Unknown

So the truth of the emotionally charged comment revealed an insightful level of understanding for me that was two-fold. First and foremost, when someone is unfairly judged, they unconsciously direct that towards others. Secondly, by it “affecting” me, it shows that I still have more inner self-healing to work on in that area of my life. It’s always about the refining and improving of yourself on this personal path of enlightenment, as all messages are a present to open and reveal the gift of inner growth.

So I am forever grateful for this message, for it has revealed a much deeper appreciation of conscious awareness towards others as well as teaching me what is most important in taking care of myself. It all comes down to compassion, unconditional love and forgiveness.


“Circumstances and situations do color life but you have been given the mind to choose what the color shall be.”

John Homer Miller

The conclusion to my summons? It is clear that I will most probably not be selected for jury duty as it is not for me to judge – it is, however, essential to be compassionate towards all as our life is a journey of the heart.


©Loriginal Designs

Indian Summer at Greenwood Park


“Steely blue sky against autumn’s wondrous array; summer’s reborn as caterpillars come out to play.”

L.D. Marchell


“Just when the caterpillar thought it’s life was over, it became a butterfly.”

Author Unknown


“Go at life with abandon; give it all you’ve got.  And life will give all it has to you.”

Norman Vincent Peale


“Did you know that by taking leaps of faith, the angelic winds will allow for you to soar?”

L.D. Marchell





“Timeless meanderings on a stellar autumn stroll.”

L.D. Marchell







“To be young at heart is the joy of life’s precious gift.”

L.D. Marchell




“As woodlands whisper and sway in the wind, the call of nature speaks ever softly to our soul.”

L.D. Marchell






“Upon Mother Gaia we walk ever gingerly, mindful of her gracious generosity if only we pause to listen to God’s unconditional love.”

L.D. Marchell






“On this magnificent day, may each piece of  the precious moment create the mosaic of your life.”

L.D. Marchell





“Be ever-present with all the senses, for miracles abound.”

L.D. Marchell


©Loriginal Designs

©Norman Vincent Peale



An Autumn Saunter Around Quaker Lake


“The water’s edge mirrors to us the glory of God’s creation.”

L.D. Marchell


“The reflections of our inner self become evident upon the waters’ welcoming our heart home.”

L.D. Marchell



“Timelessness is the hush of heaven.”

L.D. Marchell


“In flight we travel as our awakening state becomes one.”

L.D. Marchell



“As autumn is upon us, new life is at its door. Rejoice in its glorious finale, unencumbered now to soar.”

L.D. Marchell



“Golden yellows and brilliant burgundy accents upon us now; as only the Master Artist could envision somehow.”

L.D. Marchell



“Only God can make a tree.”

Grandma Marge Stolarcyk




“Our adventure to awakening’s pathway is the journey to the heart.”

L.D. Marchell



“Being open to all of our heightened senses, living presently in the moment, relishing the gift of life.”

L.D. Marchell


“Let there be a world to see, let it be of inspiration. Let there be a world to see, let it be of God’s creation.”

John V. Marchell



“In quietness and calmness we release and welcome all that is our connection to Mother Gaia.”

L.D. Marchell



“Through all of life’s twists and turns, it is the colorful, blissful treasured moments that ignite passion of the soul.”

L.D. Marchell




“Now abideth these three things: Faith, Hope and Love. And the greatest of these is Love.”

1 Corinthians 13:13



“Memories of childhood laughter echo as the water softly lapping into shore, recalling summer fun and hearts overflowing joy.”

L.D. Marchell



“To the revitalizing waters we are drawn, as if it holds for us all the answers we seek; Tranquility is its messenger as it renews our mind, body and soul.”

L.D. Marchell


©Loriginal Designs

©John V. Marchell

©Margaret D. Stolarcyk

Quaker Lake, Pennsylvania

Oh Most Holy Night!!!

white nativity

“Suddenly an angel appeared among them, and the landscape shone bright with the glory of the Lord.”

Luke 2:9


“I bring you the most joyful news ever announced!  The Savior – yes, the Messiah, the Lord – has been born tonight in Bethlehem!”

Luke 2: 10


“The Candy Cane”

The hard candy is shaped like a “J” to represent that Jesus is our rock of all ages.  The candy was made white to stand for the pureness of Jesus.  The red represents the blood that Jesus shed to save us from our sins.


©Loriginal Designs (Nativity Scenes, Tabernacle Cloth)


©Mary Did You Know – Kenny Rogers & Wynonna Judd – KJ Dee YouTube

©Mary Did You Know – 1greysanatomyluver YouTube




Co-Creating on Thanksgiving Weekend


“Once I used to think that shadows were to hide; But now I am very clear that that is where faith, hope and love abide.”

L.D. Marchell






“It is family which has no boundaries in unconditional love, surpassed by blood lines, defined by the attunement of the heart, we seldom glimpse the vast array of soul family members until we become awake within the consciousness of the heart which speaks truth in all its purity.  Therefore, become aware of your soul family as they are calling you home.”

Connie Andrea Marchell






“The conscious pause of the moment; The silent pause of the mind.  The alignment of connection; Of the soul to the Divine.”

Lisa Ann Carucci Lash







“Mindfulness = apparent by the breath of life, the peacefulness of nature, the energy from Gaia, the embodiment of the greatest gift of all – life to share, give, receive, embrace – memories of a lifetime.”

L.D. Marchell








“The hawk’s confirming wings,


In circles up above,


Fly closer to us in,


A message of pure love.”

Lisa Ann Carucci Lash




“Those that mind don’t matter; And those that matter don’t mind.”

Dr. Seuss (Ted Geisel)



“It has become apparent to me that the more I learn about others, the better I feel about myself; It is by selfless love that we die to self where then Christ can shine brightly through our lives.  Crucifixion of the heart, then, is where the Sacred Heart of Jesus Shines.”

Connie Andrea Marchell







Look Up!

“Gold and White; Rays of sun; Infinite Love.”

Lisa Ann Carucci Lash






“Tire swings; Peaceful things.  Nature brings; All of me.”

Lisa Ann Carucci Lash



©Loriginal Designs

©Connie Andrea Marchell

©Lisa Ann Carucci Lash

©Dr. Seuss (Ted Geisel)

Otsiningo Park Broome County Park and Newton Battlefield New York State Park




The Other Ear Reunion Gigs 2017

“We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Will Durant


“Talent is Good, Practice is Better, Passion is Best!”

Frank Lloyd Wright


“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is practice.”

Vladimir Horowitz


“Your talent is God’s gift to you.  What you do with it, is your gift back to God.”

Author Unknown


“Music gives a Soul to the Universe, Wings to the Mind, Flight to the Imagination, and Life to Everything.”



“To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable.”

Ludwig van Beethoven


“It is a mistake to think that the practice of my art has become easy to me.”

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


“The most valuable practice aid is patience.”

Howard Snell


“Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude.”

Ralph Marston


Thank you to Ransom Steele Tavern, Cyber Cafe West, family, friends and guests for making The Other Ear’s Reunion weekend of music a memorable experience for everyone!

Recordings will be available in the near future from the two gigs which include Ben Fambrough’s original songs as well as cover music from such artists as Talking Heads, Phish, Beatles and Grateful Dead.


©The Other Ear:

Ben Fambrough (lead vocals, guitar); Chuck Kozlowski (drums, back-up vocals); Chris Carlsen (bass, vocals); Lori D. Marchell Carlsen (keyboards); with guest musicians Rich Kennicutt (keyboards) and James Michael Thompson (guitar, vocals).

©Photography by Chris and Sam Kozlowski

©Loriginal Designs






On Patient Perfection Personified

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone.  You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing.”

Isaiah 9:1-2


The past few days have been remarkable in the phenomenon of nature, be it in the gathering of hundreds of bees, the singing of birds in the trees, the brilliant colors exhibited in the sky, one must simply wonder and ask the Universe “why?”  The humor in this rhyme is my featured Jaco Kitty, who has a habit of talking extremely loud and oftentimes sounds like he is asking the question, “why?”  He also squeaks with a cadence sounding similar to the goldfinch chirp!  As he welcomes in the morning light, his wonderment of the day to unfold is greeted with joyous anticipation, as if to say “why not?!”  The lessons that he teaches me about patience and the perfection in timing cannot be overly stated.  I do believe as I have referenced in my first book, “My Father’s Greatest Gift:  Life Lessons From A Black English Labrador Retriever” that Chert Dog sent me Jaco Kitty to teach me the necessary next lessons in my life in order to learn how to take quantum leaps of faith to soar and fly.  Jaco is one of my greatest teachers as his present moment involvement in all that surrounds him shows me to take in everything as it is a gift.  When Jaco took a leap of faith from an oak tree to the lower branch the year I found him, he taught me about trust, joy and patience that day.  I hope that we can be open to these small, daily reminders every day about how very short our time is here.  Let us be reminded continually to take in what is most valuable in our lives and embrace it!

“Now remain these three things:  Faith, Hope and Love; and the greatest of these is Love.”

1 Corinthians 13:13


“Adapt the pace of nature.  Her secret is patience.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”

Henry David Thoreau


“The setting sun, and music at the close, as the last taste of sweets, is sweetest last, writ in remembrance more than things long past.”

William Shakespeare


“Music is the universal language of mankind.”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

©Loriginal Designs Photography

©Matt Redman

The New Heaven and New Earth = Love!!!


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

During these most cleansing of times, our society is being brought to a place of recognizing that which is most important and that which must fade away.  This is beyond our human understanding, which is the necessity of relying on our heart-centered inner knowing awareness, focusing on that which is unseen but known within the heart and built upon a firm foundation of rock.  There is no fence-siting in these spiritually expansive times of our evolution.   Great spiritual discernment of our truth is paramount in remaining diligent in our convictions and relying on our collective resources as meeting our infinite intentions.


“Sometimes God allows our hearts to be broken so that he can beautify our souls.”

Connie A. Mitchell Marchell

Like in the times of Moses, we as a light working community are being called to do our work without straw, as it were.  We possess the answers and solutions within ourselves and are being asked to collaborate and work together in building our new foundation which is a value system based on our ability to love and forgive one another. That’s it.  So we must dig our heels deeply into Mother Gaia and root ourselves in the highest healing vibrating frequency known in the galaxies – LOVE!!!  I cannot emphasize the sheer importance of this one concept enough!


“Watch for the darkness to fight you like never before, and watch for The Field of harmony to invade everything. It’s almost like the beauty of Mother Nature is starting to affect humanity as well. The Field will try to create symbiotic systems that work together with compassion and beauty. It’s going to change Human nature and we’ve said that before as well. Hang in there, old soul, and expect good things no matter what you see or expected in the past.”

through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel,

Expect Good Things
From Kryon Live Channelling, “The Field—Part Two”
August 2016 in Anchorage, AK

Some of you have read my encounter with  a glimpse to the spiritual side in my previous posting about my Near Death Experience.  I must once again re-emphasize the surreal, saturation and healing intoxicating powerfully mesmerizing magnitude of this most powerful energy of LOVE!!!  In my brief 3 day heavenly encounter,  it radiated from all the air, the sun, the trees, the garden, the butterflies, the flowers, my grandparents – all telepathic, all knowing, all loving, all embracing, all present – the gift of LOVE is ours and we must concentrate and focus on this most essential ingredient as a collective force in transmuting these old fear based stories, re-runs as it were, attempting to pull us back into the dark ages of lies, deception and untruths.


“But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop them, lest you find yourselves fighting against God.”

Acts 5:39

We chose to be here during this great time of manifesting and creating something new, fresh, pure and infinite!  Let us all come boldly unto that throne of grace and find assistance in this time of need as we are one body with many parts and able to work together in crashing down these old fear based responses to reveal a new order:  Let our first response be based on LOVE!!!

“Marana tha!”

Aramaic expression, Revelations 22:20

Day By Day!!!

Three things I pray –

To See Thee More Clearly-

Follow Thee More Nearly-

Love Thee More Dearly-

Day By Day!!!


What’s coming into our lives now is totally fresh, pure and new energy!

Anything you wish to accomplish is available to you now, like a tornado under your wings!

Our worthiness, self-esteem, self-belief and loving ourselves is the key component!


Developing an inner dialogue with our Higher Self, who is all-loving, all-knowing and everywhere at the same time!

Like the eagle and the condor, everything is fine, with trust, faith and patience as the order of virtues.

Remembering as an old soul, you came here to blaze a trail!

Drop any bias of the old zero to 3 dimensional deception!


Enjoy the beauty and wonder surrounding you and enveloping your heart!  Utilize all of your senses and strive to your highest potential!  Realize how essential collaboration is with one another, as we are all creators sharing our passions!  Delight in companionship at its purest form, for it is an extraordinary and rare gift of the heart!


©Photography Loriginal Designs