A Convocation of Twelve Eagles


“You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

On my morning hike the stellar sky and enlivening day brought about a feeling of oneness with Mother Earth around me. As I walked the local school track in meditation, I overheard a coach motivating the students he was training. The message he shared in encouraging, emphatic words: “You’re going to make mistakes on the field, that’s ok. Learn to fix them and move on.” Was he just coaching the athletes he was working with? As that message rang true to the very core of my being, I came upon the realization that was exactly how I have been approaching life. In the optimistic way he presented his message to those he was coaching, it brought about a yearning from those he was instructing to strive for improvement. The delivery of the message in a positive context planted the seed of working towards perfection within these adolescent youngsters.


“Creativity is so delicate a flower that praise tends to make it bloom, while discouragement often nips it in the bud.”

Author unknown

More Eagles Grounded

As I left the track to venture up the back hill, I stopped as I came upon a congregation of immature eagles gathered alongside the ground as well as flying in the area! Thankfully I had my cell phone to photograph them, even though they are not professional looking nor close up shots. But the message was a very profound one for me in my journey of the heart. Symbolic as well, for the coach from the track training session had been instructing adolescent children on the importance of perseverance towards their goals, dreams and desires.

Eagles grounded

“Being myself includes taking risks with myself, taking risks on new behavior, trying new ways of ‘being myself’, so that I can see who it is I want to be.”

Hugh Prather

Eagles Circling

As I stood there observing the eagles, they began to gather in a convocation as if to communicate with one another on their next soaring expedition, deciding on where the thermals and winds would allow for them to glide effortlessly to a new destination. I remember thinking how lucky they were to have each other to assist in their learning and growing stages of development, and how important that support system is within our own lives as well. When they began to unite as a circle of life joining their energies, I stood there with my arms reaching upwards towards their wings as they rose above me, their feathers just within reach of my outstretched arms. As they soared higher, I was able to count twelve of these youngsters who had graced me with their ‘anything is possible’ outlook on life. Their powerful, pure energy filled my soul with grandeur as a monumental experience for me in my personal life’s journey.

“Jesus said: With God, All things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26

Wayne and Lori

“Care no more for the opinion of others, for those voices; do the hardest thing for you. Act for yourself and face your truth.”

Katherine Mansfield

Dads Eagle

From this profoundly enlightening experience, I slowly began the walk up the trail. As I looked to the right where some of the eagles had been grounded, I found a secondary eagle feather symbolically left for me from one of the messengers who flew into my life that morning. The eagle has been an animal totem for me my entire life and I have been attuned to their energy for some time. It has been a blessed experience for me to witness such a marvelous moment and to be able to share it with others as a way of showing that there is much around us to assist in our journey, we just need to be still, open and aware in trusting that still, small voice within, honoring Mother Earth and striving for the highest and best in all areas of our lives, knowing that mistakes are a part of our learning curve, in order for us to super duper quantumly soar!

Lori's Primary Feather

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”

Thomas Edison

©Loriginal Designs

Angels Unawares


“Would you think that for a moment, planning actually matters?  Spiritual unfoldment occurs unbeknownst to us.”

L.D. Marchell


“When truth is attained, all else ceases to exist.”

L.D. Marchell



“Irregardless what others say, one must find their own way.”

L.D. Marchell


“Being raw is revealing all that is true within; there is no fooling Mother Nature.”

L.D. Marchell



“Accents of Light reveal potential within.”

L.D. Marchell



“Oh, to be an evergreen, noble in dignity; As they celebrate the joyous symphony of colors about.”

L.D. Marchell


“All paths lead home; It’s the journey in the end, which matters the most.”

L.D. Marchell


“So grey and light, blue sky so bright; Varied splashes of color, God’s paintbrush we adore.”

L.D. Marchell


“It is the quiet moments between each breath which fill our souls with joyous inner knowing.”

Connie Andrea Marchell


“Oh that I may be beautiful within!”

L.D. Marchell


“When we die, we leave all that we have and take with us all that we are.”

Connie Andrea Marchell


“The barren lands reveal the ending of a cycle in nature; Listen intently as Gaia speaks softly.”

L.D. Marchell


“As if in unison, the hues and tones speak telepathically to one another; Orchestrating a musical concerto of vibrancy.”

Connie Andrea Marchell



“The Universe adores us, in blissful moments of present awareness; Fully aware of its magnitude, it’s peacefulness remains still.”

L.D. Marchell



“Oh the novelty of orgasmic colors bring forth the climatic finale; Autumn reveals her full glory in timeless beauty.”

L.D. Marchell



Then God Said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit and seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was good.

Genesis 1:11


“The union of Gaia with the glorious hills and trees; Mirrors the relationship of soul mate and twin flame.”

L.D. Marchell


“Would dancing leaves and whispering trees be glimpses of an angelic autumn breeze?”

Connie Andrea Marchell


“Are angels floating upon the clouds, watching intently over us unawares? “

L.D. Marchell


“Sacred union occurs when the inner work reveals all that is balanced; An equilibrium of the yin and yang energies.”

L.D. Marchell




“…But when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away…”

1 Corinthians 13


And God Said “Let there be light,” and there was light.  God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.  God called the light “day” and the darkness he called “night,”  And there was evening and morning – THE FIRST DAY…

Genesis 1:3-5

©Loriginal Designs

©Connie Andrea Marchell

©S.A. Gwin Photograph*

©NIV Bible




The Afternoon of Life

“Thoroughly unprepared we take the step into the afternoon of life, or still we take this step with the false preposition that our truths and our ideals will serve us as hitherto.  But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning.  For what was great in the morning will be little at the evening and in the morning what was true at evening will become a lie.”

“The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche”  C.G. Jung


“It’s is like this:  when I was a child I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child does.  But when I became a woman my thoughts  grew far beyond those of my childhood, and now I have put away childish things.  In the same way we can see and understand  only a little about God now, as if we were peering at His reflection on a poor mirror; but someday we are going to see Him in His completeness face to face…There are three things that remain – faith, hope and love – and the greatest of these is love.”

1 Corinthians 13:  11 -13

In honor of Tofino Photography for providing the extraordinary inspiration from “A Tofino Sunset Series” to create a mixed oil and glaze on canvas piece as a “Loriginal” creation.  This is the second of three in the Romeo Series artwork interpretations.

©Artwork by Loriginal Designs

©Photography by Tofino Photography, “A Tofino Sunset Series” April 12, 2017 posting


This is the Day!!!

“The transcendental state of Being lies beyond all seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting – beyond all thinking and beyond all feeling.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


There are sacred moments in time where all the senses are so attuned that you feel saturated in the love of the Universe! It is places like Highland Lake which have brought that sense of awareness in timelessness. Prior to having internet and cell service there, it seemed to magically bring you to a place of peacefulness, wonderment and awe as moments seemed to span lifetimes!


There is a glorious Willow Tree named “The Lady of the Lake” whose graceful limbs with lacey leaves reach towards the heavens! Her hour glass womanly figure-shaped trunk has weathered many a winter’s wind and basked in the summer’s vibrant glory! An earlier limb was used for children to swing out into the lake as they would splash cheerfully into the water! Through the years, she had to relinquish this part of herself to the past, full of memories of her lifetime!


On the pathway walking around Highland Lake there is a stoic moss covered tree known as “The Lord of the Forest” whose stately presence breathes embodiment to all of nature.


Further along the pathway around the lake, there is a section where the stream and pond flow out into the lake. Oftentimes you will see turtles and bullfrogs, together with dragonflies and you may even encounter a fairy or two!


As you continue along the pathway, the senses of sight, taste, smell, hearing, feeling and knowing are awakened in the freshness of the fragrant, soothing air. It is moments like this which span our awareness of time and we become one with all that is around us and within us. This bliss full state of consciousness allows for incredible insights as the mind drops into sacred heart-centered alignment and inner knowing. You may see a spiritual rainbow cone, or even an orb or two!


Peaceful mornings and throughout the day, the lake transforms her appearance into something new! There is much to be learned from her deep lesson of inner knowing.



Cloud formations pass throughout the day, bringing colorful rainbows, angelic wisps of glistening crystals, as the sunlight reflects brilliantly off the textured glassy water.



And so after a splendid sunset, the campfires begin to emerge surrounding the water’s edge. Oftentimes, the fireflies will gather around the sloping hills as the crickets and peepers and tree frogs begin their harmonic evening melodies which accompany the sparkling starts lighting up the gradually darkening vast evening sky.


Sunfish Sailboats sport around Highland Lake with moments of gusty winds and other peaceful doldrums. There is a gentleman who has configured a way to sail his rainbow colored sailboat around the lake using just the one arm that he has – remarkable the ingenuity of the power of invention, determination and necessity!


Then there is the early morning choir of birds singing, as the stillness of the morning air and water invigorates the soul. Timelessness revisited.


Various boating activities and music festivals as well as floatilla competition are just some of the many activities at Highland Lake. Not to mention the fireworks! They simply begin on the Fourth of July weekend and continue throughout the season!






And so our lives are to be lived to their fullest, richest, reaching for the stars, pressed down and flowing over! As my Mom would say, “Keep Joy in your life, Jesus wants it that way!” and as Grandma Marge would say, “Happy, Happy, Happy!!! Joy, Joy, Joy!!!”

“Rejoice in the Lord always! And again I say, rejoice!”

Philippians 4:4

©Loriginal Designs Photography