A Once In A Lifetime Love…

“It is good to have an end to journey towards; But it is the journey that matters, in the end.”



On this day, May 20, 1961 my parents, John V. Marchell and Connie A. Mitchell were married.  It was a bittersweet wedding for my mom’s father, G. Clifford Mitchell, had passed from a heart attack less than a month prior to their wedding date.  Their love for me is crystal clear as I was the honeymoon baby.  Dad would often say to me that I was a ‘much loved child.’

I do believe that Grandpa Cliff’s Spirit has been with me always, as he was a graphic artist who, at an early age, was asked to work for Walt Disney.  He declined the offer and went into business for himself with many of his creative works promoting IBM in their beginning stages with their first place of operation located in Endicott, New York.


So on this day, I honor my parents unconditional love and everlasting guidance still evident miraculously in my life as love transcends our human understanding.  It is through building a firm foundation by focusing on the gift of union which makes the relationship stronger and resilient to withstand any storm.  With the extraordinary gift of a once in a lifetime love,  one hundred percent belief, trust and faith in one another with open heart awareness; together the two open their arms wide to embrace the unknown.

As their hearts joined together pictured in the glowing setting sunset clouds, I know that their gift of new beginnings is approaching for me as their message permeates my soul.


“It’s time to unite your hearts, for together your energies  combined are magnetic, magical and infinite in their abilities to manifest miracles.”

Mom and Dad

panoramic 1

“One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore.”

Andre Gide

©Art and Photography by Loriginal Designs

Highland Lake, PA

(©wedding photograph, unknown)

A Once In A Lifetime Love…

“It is good to have an end to journey towards; But it is the journey that matters, in the end.”



On this day, May 20, 1961 my parents, John V. Marchell and Connie A. Mitchell were married.  It was a bittersweet wedding for my mom’s father, G. Clifford Mitchell, had passed from a heart attack less than a month prior to their wedding date.  Their love for me is crystal clear as I was the honeymoon baby.  Dad would often say to me that I was a ‘much loved child.’

I do believe that Grandpa Cliff’s Spirit has been with me always, as he was a graphic artist who, at an early age, was asked to work for Walt Disney.  He declined the offer and went into business for himself with many of his creative works promoting IBM in their beginning stages with their first place of operation located in Endicott, New York.


So on this day, I honor my parents unconditional love and everlasting guidance still evident miraculously in my life as love transcends our human understanding.  It is through building a firm foundation by focusing on the gift of union which makes the relationship stronger and resilient to withstand any storm.  With the extraordinary gift of a once in a lifetime love,  one hundred percent belief, trust and faith in one another with open heart awareness; together the two open their arms wide to embrace the unknown.

As their hearts joined together pictured in the glowing setting sunset clouds, I know that their gift of new beginnings is approaching for me as their message permeates my soul.


“It’s time to unite your hearts, for together your energies  combined are magnetic, magical and infinite in their abilities to manifest miracles.”

Mom and Dad

panoramic 1

“One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore.”

Andre Gide

©Art and Photography by Loriginal Designs

Highland Lake, PA

(©wedding photograph, unknown)

The Afternoon of Life

“Thoroughly unprepared we take the step into the afternoon of life, or still we take this step with the false preposition that our truths and our ideals will serve us as hitherto.  But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning.  For what was great in the morning will be little at the evening and in the morning what was true at evening will become a lie.”

“The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche”  C.G. Jung


“It’s is like this:  when I was a child I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child does.  But when I became a woman my thoughts  grew far beyond those of my childhood, and now I have put away childish things.  In the same way we can see and understand  only a little about God now, as if we were peering at His reflection on a poor mirror; but someday we are going to see Him in His completeness face to face…There are three things that remain – faith, hope and love – and the greatest of these is love.”

1 Corinthians 13:  11 -13

In honor of Tofino Photography for providing the extraordinary inspiration from “A Tofino Sunset Series” to create a mixed oil and glaze on canvas piece as a “Loriginal” creation.  This is the second of three in the Romeo Series artwork interpretations.

©Artwork by Loriginal Designs

©Photography by Tofino Photography, “A Tofino Sunset Series” April 12, 2017 posting