“My Father’s Greatest Gift” First Book Signing and “The Sedona Method”

My Father’s Greatest Gift: Life Lessons from a Black English Labrador Retriever book signing held March 18, 2017 at Arrowhead Parable Christian Store, Johnson City, NY


My Father’s Greatest Gift Website

Maria and Lori3182017

Are any of you familiar with The Sedona Method developed by Lester Levenson, with a tool set to assist in clearing out old, embedded thoughts, beliefs and feelings that were handed down through our DNA; which we have now become able to access on our own through The Akash to allow for the realization of these aspects of our depths in order to do “Spring Cleaning” as it were. The core components are letting go of the four basic wants: Approval, Security, Separation and Control. That said, it is a mouthful to digest when one begins asking the questions about how are these certain aspects of our inner workings serving us anymore and can we let them go? Are you willing to let them go? When?

Rose and Lori

The Sedona Method has been one of my “tool sets” for many years, but for some reason it surfaced this morning, so I am being led to share some insights from Lester’s “Lessons” on releasing. We are all cleansing energetically now, using a variety of tools which resonate for each one of us individually. The Sedona Method, by author Dale Dwoskin, shares Lester’s workings and research on our unlimited potential and provides yet other applications to address the old, worn out thoughts and beliefs which most probably were not originating from our own thoughts, but handed down through generations, like a grafting form a rose bush.

Rob, Lori, Anna3182017

Once you maser writing out the reasons why you are holding onto a certain want: Approval, Security, Separation or Control, you then need to address the deeper layers of thought patterns: Apathy, Grief, Fear, Lust, Anger, Pride, and even areas of Courageousness, Acceptance and Peace. By doing this deep inner work, your are dissolving resistance to “reacting” to criticism and to praise. In other words, you are at point zero equilibrium balance of mind, body and spirit, the center of Love and Gods Set Point.

As Khalil Gibran noted: “I have learned silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant and kindness from the unkind; yet strange I am ungrateful to those teachers.”

girls and Lori sized

So you may be wondering why I am reflecting on The Sedona Method and how that applies to my first book signing of Chert Dog’s story, My Father’s Greatest Gift: Life Lessons from a Black English Labrador Retriever? It is very simple. Because of all the years of doing the inner work within and clearing out the old thoughts and beliefs, it has given room for unlimited potentials to flourish in my life! (“Pombu Zoplatz: Thanks be to God”).

Care no more for the opinion of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing for you. Act for yourself and face your truth.” Katherine Mansfield

L. D. Marchell’s New Book “My Father’s Greatest Gift: Life Lessons from a Black English Labrador Retriever”

From Chert Dog’s perspective, “Doghead is pretty easy to learn, you just have to speak from your heart.” This velvety Black with Chocolate accents English Labrador Retriever came…

Source: Chert Dog’s Book: “My Father’s Greatest Gift: Life Lessons from a Black English Labrador Retriever

A Loriginal Piano Composition: “C-13 Sonata”


Throughout the creative process, I paint pictures, write stories, take photographs and compose music which all interweave into the tapestry of my life.  Though viewing the process from the underside with all the loose threads it appears to be quite a mess, the passion within is determined to interweave all the colorful threads to behold a brilliant gift from the Universe!

This copyrighted piano composition is inspired by 1 Corinthians 13  and spans my life journey.  When my beloved Mother passed, Dad  had this engraved on their stone:

“A hug, a smile, a kiss, fond memories of a lifetime”

(Posted on You Tube as well as on my blog’s Piano, Art and Photography tab, with some of my artwork, photography and family photos to go along with the music).


Cadillac Sunrise and Moonlit Harbor Lights

The majesty of the sunrise at Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park to the inner serenity and peace felt by the moon reflecting upon the water in Bar Harbor brings to mind Daniel 3:52-90.  It begins “Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers, praiseworthy and exalted above all forever.”  It continues “Sun and moon, bless the Lord; praise and exalt him above all forever.”  Praise and Thanksgiving is the message!  Amen.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Wonderment at Watkins Glen State Park


“We know that God is everywhere; but certainly we feel His presence most when His works are on the grandest scale spread before us; and it is in the unclouded night-sky, where His worlds wheel their silent course, that we read clearest His infinitude, His omnipotence, His omnipresence.”

Charlotte Bronte


“I avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward.”

Charlotte Bronte


“You know full well as I do the value of sisters’ affections: There is nothing like it in the world.”

Charlotte Bronte


“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Life is so constructed that an event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation.”

Charlotte Bronte


“I believe in some blending of hope and sunshine sweetening the worst lots. I believe that this life is not all; neither the beginning nor the end. I believe while I tremble; I trust while I weep.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Better to be without logic than without feeling.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Cheerfulness, it would appear, is a matter which depends fully as much on the state of things within, as on the state of things without and around us.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Men judge us by the success of our efforts. God looks at the efforts themselves.”

Charlotte Bronte


“If you are cast in a different mold to the majority, it is no merit of yours; nature did it.”

Charlotte Bronte


“But this I know; the writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master — something that at times strangely wills and works for itself. If the result be attractive, the World will praise you, who little deserve praise; if it be repulsive, the same World will blame you, who almost as little deserve blame.”

Charlotte Bronte


“To see and know the worst is to take from

fear her main advantage.”

Charlotte Bronte


“The writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master- something that at time strangely wills and works for itself.”

Charlotte Bronte



“Novelists should never allow themselves to weary of the study of real life.”

Charlotte Bronte


“I would always rather be happy than dignified.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive!”

Charlotte Bronte


“I would always rather be happy than dignified.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Enjoy the blessings Heaven bestows, Assist his friends, forgive his foes; Trust God, and keep his statutes still, Upright and firm, through good and ill; Thankful for all that God has given, Fixing his firmest hopes on heaven; Knowing that earthly joys decay, But hoping through the darkest day.”

Charlotte Bronte


“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.”

Charlotte Bronte


©Loriginal Designs

©Charlotte Bronte

*Photograph of me taken by Lisa Lash

A Sanctuary at Salt Springs State Park


“Travels near and afar, the waters’ rushing by. Might it be the soothing streams, nature smiles a calming sigh.”

Connie Andrea Marchell

“Majestically Allowing; Authentic Pushing. Nature. Autumn. Water. Flowing. Winter.”

Lisa Ann Carucci Lash







“Interwoven Twin Flame Trees; Roots of Essence Sharing. Balancing the Energy Ignites; Organically Mystical Infinite Caring.”

L.D. Marchell






“The Old. The New. The Opening.”

Lisa Ann Carucci Lash






“Merrily we skip and play; Happily we ponder. The sights, smells, sounds, tastes and touches; Inner Knowing lighting up every hour.”

Connie Andrea Marchell







“Free Spirit. Free Soul. Freedom!!!”

Lisa Ann Carucci Lash






“White Buffalo Calf Woman Energy.”





“Upon the unbeaten path I pursue; In quest of answers still hidden. Deeply ingrained within my soul; In nature all realizations given.”

L.D. Marchell





“Mountains and Hills, Bless the Lord; Praise and Exalt Him Above all Forever!!!”

Daniel 3:75

“Conscious Pause”

©Loriginal Designs

©Connie A. Marchell

©Lisa Ann Carucci Lash


Rain and Light

Tofino Photography

“And when the storm comes, and the mighty wind shakes the forest, and thunder and lightning proclaim the majesty of the sky – then let your heart say in awe, “God moves in passion.”

Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

A remarkable storm came through during the night which produced a brilliant lightning and thunder orchestrated display.  Mother Gaia marvels us continually through her ever-changing display of colorful radiance and rumbling staccato statements of empowerment.  She is to be honored for her magnitude of infinite manifesting and creative abilities, extraordinary resilience and timeless moments of grandeur!

Tofino Photography

“Every shower and dew, bless the Lord; praise and exalt Him above all forever.  Dew and rain, bless the Lord; praise and exalt Him above all forever.  Light and darkness, bless the Lord; praise and exalt Him above all forever.  Lightning and clouds, bless the Lord; praise and exalt Him above all forever.”

Daniel 3:64; 68; 72-73

And so it is with our lives, we experience moments of great joy and depths of painful sorrow.  Two emotions on opposite ends of the same vibrant spectrum.  By facing tragedies in our lives head-on, this produces courage and integrity of character.  Through this deep inner work, it allows for the heights of joyous rapture to be experienced soaring us to new heights.  Maybe that is why we are so drawn to the beauty of nature in all of its wonder and glory, for it reflects back to us our own inner journey of the heart.

Tofino Photography

“Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion, that it may sing.”

Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

It is during these times of sublime lucidity while observing an incoming storm, that the creative spirit within is ignited with ecstasy; just as that surreal mesmerizing gaze into a fire which seems to transport you to another place and time.  There are these uncanny connections which appear to bring serendipity into our lives, similar to the weather in their arrival; on their own time, in their own way and on their own terms – as if these magical moments were actually cued to appear in our lives when least expected.  Such then our lives are like the weather, to be embraced in the present moment of awareness or relinquished forever.  Therefore, be mindful and fully, consciously aware to experience the great vastness and expansiveness of the infinite drenching of the soul.

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Tofino Photography

In Memory of Prince




In thankfulness, appreciation and gratitude to Tofino Photography for providing the extraordinary photography!  Follow Tofino Photography


©Tofino Photography

©Loriginal Designs


Amazing Love!!!

“Hope in God!  For I shall again be thanking Him; in the presence of My Savior and my God!”

Psalm 43:5


“And He will…make you shine like the sun, and hold you in the palm of his Hand.”

Michael Joncas


“Who gave Himself for our sins, to rescue us from the present evil age, as our God and Father willed – to Him be Glory for Endless Ages!”

Galatians 1:4


“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


“Doghead is easy to learn, you just have to speak from the heart.”

L.D. Marchell

As some of you may know, through the tragic loss of my Mom, Chert Dog saved not only my Father’s heart, but my brother, John’s and mine too!  There is something about unconditional love from an animal, so altruistic, pure, peaceful and kind.  Angels brought to us in various forms, to be embraced and cherished or relinquished forever as we are all given that chance to choose the highest and best for all concerned.

It is during these most tremulous times that we are being given the opportunity to make new consciously aware and awakened choices with our most precious gift of life.  Allow for your new preferences to include:

“…Whatever is true, whatever is kind, whatever is lovely, and if there be anything worthy of praise, think then on these things.”

Philippians 4:8


©Loriginal Designs Photography


©Newsboys “Amazing Love”

On Eagle’s Wings!!!

“You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord, Who abide in His shadow for life,  Say to the Lord, ‘My Refuge,’ My Rock in Whom I trust.  And He will raise you up on eagle’s wings, Bear you on the breath of dawn, Make you to shine like the sun, And hold you in the palm of His Hand.”

On Eagles Wings by Michael Joncas (Psalm 91)

Eagle Eclipse 462017

This is the last in The Three-part Romeo Series of oil paintings inspired by Tofino Photography.  My eternal gratitude for the empowering photographic compositions which bring one to a place of such beauty, tranquility and peace!

As I took a break from painting the second layer of oils onto the canvas yesterday, I went outside to walk barefoot in the lush, soft grass.  As I walked around my prolific blooming garden, I knelt in the grass next to my Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue that I have placed in front of my white with pink-tipped flowering Peony plant, whose buds are just beginning to form.  The statue is with Jesus dressed in his white robe with the red over shawl, as some of you have seen in my photographic image of the setting sun in my posting entitled Jesus Walks Among Us.  If you look into the setting sun over Highland Lake, you see an image of what appears to be an individual wearing a white robe with a red shawl.  It also appears that this image has an individual alongside him as the red material seems to be wrapped out around another image. When my Dad was alive, I recall him sharing with me a dream he had which impacted him for the rest of his life.  It was a vision of Jesus, shining in his glory in a purple glowing cloak with his ethereal eyes gleaming compassionately to envelope ones soul with peace. So I ended up repainting the Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue’s heart and his wounds in red and the cross, chain and shield in gold and the collar of his cloak in gold.

I do believe that the Romeo Eclipse is an important message for us all, that we are to be living heaven on earth now, and that the lion shall finally lie down with the lamb.

“Let there be a world to see, Let it be of Inspiration, Let there be a world to be, Let it be of God’s Creation.”

John V. Marchell (My Dad)

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the suffering and afflicted.  He has sent me to comfort the broken-hearted…Beauty for ashes; Joy instead of mourning; Praise instead of heaviness.”

Psalm 61: 1, 3

©Loriginals Designs Oil Painting

©Tofino Photography, Eagle Eclipse April 6, 2017


The Bird Brain Cafe (excerpt)

Chert Dog’s Greatest Gift:  Quantum Leaps of Faith

As you can see, my favorite place to supervise the Bird Brain Cafe is from my flower bed hiding places.  Sometimes I have to step up and get a drink out of the birdbath, and the birds fly away!  Across from this lookout I see several blue jays, cardinals, goldfinches, mourning doves and hummingbirds to mention just a few!  Recently, we have had the arrival of juncos, which are not normally from this area, but with the climate changes, we have noticed several new and wondrous things including incredible sunbows during the day and amazing cloud colors and formations for sunrise and sunset!  God is the Master Artist, that is for certain!

In my earlier years, I was foolish in chasing and catching the birds.  One day, I caught a baby female cardinal and Lori came along instantly to take it away from me.  I wanted her to be proud of me in my ability to be an excellent hunter, as that is truly my inner instinct.  She did say that I was a good hunter, but she also said that I don’t need to hunt because I have more than enough to sustain me.  She gave me a new use of my skills and abilities in supervising the bird brain cafe.  Seems reasonable to me!  So about that baby female cardinal, she grew up that summer and became quite a powerful and strong bird – I actually think that she tried chasing me, if I recall!  Serves me right for picking on something smaller than myself!  So its always about asking what do I want to come from this experience, what is it for?  The question should always come at the beginning of the challenge/experience.  The baby cardinal reminded me about my scary experience being chased up that big oak tree and that it would be best for me to let go of that traumatic experience and not keep re-creating both in my life and in the lives of others.  See, she taught me a very valuable lesson!  There is always something to learn and to grow and to become more than you were yesterday.  The cardinal exemplifies that to me now as she is full grown and a mother herself!  Glad we both learned how to get along together!